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Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time. The Team Web Foundations is a small team with a big mandate: developing, maintaining, and innovating the NodeJS and web application platform that powers Netflix.com. The Netflix website is composed of a collection of consumer UI applications that the web platform supports by providing the infrastructure and unifying architecture. Our goal is to build a robust platform and infrastructure in order to improve product velocity and increase efficiency for UI engineers. We're dedicated to supporting our engineering partners and developing scalable architectures that enable engineers to build faster and with greater ease. The Role In this high-impact role, you'll work on the foundational systems that power a diverse range of consumer experiences. In your week-to-week, you'll work on a large-scale Node.js platform encompassing applications across every Netflix product experience including signup, editorial, streaming, and gaming. Example projects range from enhancing a JS/CSS asset compiler and optimizing network performance with HTTP/2, to developing a logging library for UI clients and identifying and resolving bottlenecks in the build system. Along with collaborating with product teams to drive innovation, you'll lead and champion projects and communicate their impact to partner teams. You will also gather input and identify opportunities to help set a long-term technical strategy that continuously evolves the web platform to ensure it remains best-in-class. Who You Are 6+ years of professional experience designing, building, and shipping software Proven ability to lead projects and communicate with cross-functional partners Strong project management skills Able to design, architect, debug, test, and create well-documented code Able to identify and componentize common abstractions with an eye for performance and stability of large-scale systems Proficient in JavaScript/TypeScript and Node.js You strive to elevate the knowledge and skills of yourself and others in a way that fosters an inclusive, collaborative environment What Sets You Apart You're known for your excellent communication skills You have an ownership mentality in all the things you build and are comfortable with identifying opportunities and driving forward-looking technical roadmaps You take a thoughtful, practical approach to problem-solving that considers tradeoffs and avoids over-engineering You're motivated by the scope and impact to influence decisions that impact millions of users and billions of requests You're well-versed in the technologies of the modern frontend landscape. You can distill hype from practical application Current/former professional experience as a UI engineer Bonus if you've contributed to open-source projects Double bonus if have experience with technical writing Excelling in this Role People who excel in this role: Relish complex technical challenges but find deep satisfaction in supporting their fellow developers Understand engineering is a team sport and actively farm for feedback and dissent Thrive in an inclusive, collaborative, and ambiguous environment and can self-manage and self-prioritize their time, energy, and resources. Our team sets and implements the roadmap. No PMs here Have the ability to break down abstract problems into concrete solutions We believe in a strong work/life balance so our general support hours are 10am - 4pm Pacific Time. We believe a safe space where everyone can be their authentic selves is the key to a strong team so we welcome and embrace all identities, cultures, and backgrounds. Regarding collaboration, we've seen the advantage that high-bandwidth in-person communication provides thus this is a hybrid role with the requirement of working from Netflix HQ in Los Gatos, California at least one day a week. Relocation assistance is provided along with generous parental leave, vacation, and reproductive benefits. Our compensation structure consists solely of an annual salary; we do not have bonuses. You choose each year how much of your compensation you want in salary versus stock options. To determine your personal top of market compensation, we rely on market indicators and consider your specific job family, background, skills, and experience to determine your compensation in the market range. The range for this role is $100,000 - $720,000. 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We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, ancestry, national origin, caste, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, age, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, genetic makeup, marital status, or military service.", "stars": 0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://explore.jobs.netflix.net/careers/job/790298014077", "isPrivate": false}], "isFallback": true, "debug": {}, "count": 1, "personal_message": "We thought you would be interested in this position.", "scheduling": {"minTime": 9, "limit": 10, "maxTime": 17, "increments": 60, "minTimeslots": 3}, "userTitles": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "790298014077"}, "singleview": true, "see_all_jobs": true, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "chatbot": false, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsApplyFormV2Enabled": true, 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