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This role can be based in a hybrid model in our Los Angeles or Los Gatos offices. This role can also be remote-based in the US. Some travel will be required if remote based. The Live Digital Program Management team oversees end-to-end live event coordination for on-service live launches. You will manage the team, which includes a team of program managers and operational experts. This team is crucial to launching live events and has a number of cross-functional partners and executive stakeholders. You are able to run the team, proactively define how you scale to meet the growing demands of live launches, and ensure there is strong communication surrounding the output of your team. You will: Run the Live Digital Program Management team which includes operational program managers. You are responsible for ensuring that our live events are set up for launch and post-launch success on-service by creating, maintaining, and tracking against all deliverables that impact a member's experience. You will be the main point of contact for key event launch information for product teams. Be responsible for creating and scaling standards and practices for title management tracking. This includes creating title tracking templates that can be repeatedly used, owning master event calendars for product, and sharing weekly event summaries and deliverables progress for executive visibility. Build and manage close partnerships with teams across Live Technical Program Management, Design Operations, and Title Launch Operations to coordinate launch deliverables. Represent the Product Discovery and Promotion organization in cross-functional forums. You will be the escalation point for title set-up and promotional questions. This means you will need to deeply understand our distribution platform, title set-up, and workflows and proactively track against operational metrics that may signal the need for improvement (e.g. user contact reports, title health reports, and engagement metrics) Be responsible for Product Discovery & Promotion tracking, title set-up, and workflow improvements. You will work with cross-functional operational teams to think about how to scale event operations, define quality improvements, and track against operational efficiencies for the Product Discovery & Promotions team. Responsibilities Being a manager at Netflix is about working to improve the day-to-day performance of your team and making sure your team members can be as effective as possible in their roles. As a result, this role must be capable of \u201cclearing the road\u201d for the team, constantly looking for ways to make their jobs easier by improving cross-functional relationships, identifying gaps/issues with workflows, etc. Work with the larger Live Product Discovery & Promotional organization to tap into the right \u201cpaved path\u201d infrastructure to build out the future model for the Live business. Focus relentlessly on creating top-tier tracking, standards & practices while scaling workflows Work with peers to build the profile of the Live Product Discovery and Promotion team as a whole and evangelize our team's work to internal teams across Content, Production, Marcomms and others Have a strong knowledge of our distribution experience - make sure to meditate and educate on the impact of our on-service title promotions. Strengthen the partnership with various cross-functional partners and increase impact and collaboration. Focus on hiring outstanding employees, growing your team as their business impact grows, and developing strong networks of talented people to pull from. The Right Stuff You have a proven track record of building and leading teams that excel creatively and strategically to create great work. You can build relationships with colleagues in high-level leadership roles - positioning yourself and your team as a valued partner in meeting company objectives. You are passionate about Live Streamed Events and shaping the future of the Netflix Live offering, guiding producers, and setting principles while collaborating with others to launch meaningful experiences and launch awesome Live events. You thrive in a fast-paced, ever-shifting, high-volume, high-impact environment. You are entrepreneurial and self-motivated and embody Netflix's culture of high performance, curiosity, freedom, and responsibility. 8+ years of experience building and managing live operations teams Ability to build toward future goals rather than focus on the immediate problems to be solved. Proven ability to build strong cross-functional relationships with both technical and creative partners. Proven ability to drive change management to execute against business goals High-level operational judgment and an eye for strong organization Significant team leadership, management, and hiring experience Deep commitment to Inclusion and Diversity Effective at giving honest and direct feedback and building team members for the future. Having great interpersonal skills and being a tenacious leader are both a must. You have to be someone we want to work with. Ability to manage large-scale projects and initiatives Understand, advocate, and embody the company's values and team goals. Our compensation structure consists solely of an annual salary; we do not have bonuses. You choose each year how much of your compensation you want in salary versus stock options. To determine your personal top of market compensation, we rely on market indicators and consider your specific job family, background, skills, and experience to determine your compensation in the market range. The range for this role is $$270,000 - $600,000. Netflix provides comprehensive benefits including Health Plans, Mental Health support, a 401(k) Retirement Plan with employer match, Stock Option Program, Disability Programs, Health Savings and Flexible Spending Accounts, Family-forming benefits, and Life and Serious Injury Benefits. We also offer paid leave of absence programs. Full-time hourly employees accrue 35 days annually for paid time off to be used for vacation, holidays, and sick paid time off. Full-time salaried employees are immediately entitled to flexible time off. See more detail about our Benefits here. Netflix is a unique culture and environment. Learn more here.", "stars": 0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://explore.jobs.netflix.net/careers/job/790298195686", "isPrivate": false}], "isFallback": true, "debug": {}, "count": 1, "personal_message": "We thought you would be interested in this position.", "scheduling": {"minTime": 9, "limit": 10, "maxTime": 17, "increments": 60, "minTimeslots": 3}, "userTitles": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "790298195686"}, "singleview": true, "see_all_jobs": true, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "chatbot": false, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsApplyFormV2Enabled": false, "isPcsBrandingApril2023Enabled": true, "allowedFileTypes": {}, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "hideDepartment": null, "pcsOctupleMigration0Enabled": true, "pcsOctupleMigration1Enabled": true, "replaceUrlOnGoBack": true, 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